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=Draw Tiles=
=Draw Tiles=
Second, you can draw tiles of all the vars you want to populate your split region however you want. Here we are printing the room/area name on line 3 (down from the top) and it will go from column 2 (left side of screen) to column 44.
Second, you can draw tiles of data into your split region. Here we are printing the room/area name on line 3 (down from the top) and it will go from column 2 (left side of screen) to column 44.

  #ALIAS {draw} {
  #ALIAS {draw} {

Revision as of 17:18, 12 May 2023

People keep asking how to set up the gui, so, here's some information you can expand upon.

The GUI is set up using the #SPLIT and #DRAW commands, often using #FORMAT, and using your #VAR's.

Split Your Screen

First, establish your desired top/bottom screen #SPLIT with some room to print data into. I go 4 or 5 lines top and bottom.

  • Run your #SPLIT command manually or make an alias that might be handy later for resetting.
    • The #BUFFER command reprints the scrolling region after splitting:
#ALIAS {split} {
 #SPLIT 5 5;
 #BUFFER end;

Draw Tiles

Second, you can draw tiles of data into your split region. Here we are printing the room/area name on line 3 (down from the top) and it will go from column 2 (left side of screen) to column 44.

#ALIAS {draw} {
 #DRAW red tile 3 2 3 44 $msdp_info[ROOM_NAME];
 #DRAW blue tile 2 2 2 44 $msdp_info[AREA_NAME];

You'll have to read #Help draw to understand all your options, and how to use the coordinate system to place those into exact positions on screen. You'll also want to learn #FORMAT so you can add additional controls and style to those.

Format Tiles

Using #format we can set more colors, and more importantly lengths/aligns to your tiles. Here, we format the msdp vars into our own stylized vars first, then draw those.

#ALIAS {draw} {
 #FORMAT {room_string} {%c%.44s} {<acf>}{$msdp_info[ROOM_NAME]};
 #DRAW tile 3 2 3 44 $room_string;
 #FORMAT {area_string} {%c%.40s} {<ffa>}{$msdp_info[AREA_NAME]};
 #DRAW tile 2 2 2 44 $area_string;

Having a singular alias like this 'draw' example can become a problem when it comes to auto-updating the screen however. You'll want to read this entire page, especially the very bottom, before you go ahead setting up something like the above and wasting time adding more data to it.

Note that I'm calling MSDP vars here, you can establish those by reading in my MSDP script prior to mud connection:

Draw Lists

Instead of drawing individual tiles, you can also generate a list and draw that all at once.

For example:

#list example add example text blablabla stuff

Looks like:

#VARIABLE {example}
   {1} {example}
   {2} {text}
   {3} {blablabla}
   {4} {stuff}

Can use #draw to print that all inside a box like this:

#draw box 10 10 20 40 $example[1..-1]

If you set those coordinates into a SPLIT region, the box will remain in place until it is redrawn at some point (perhaps by an alias you have, or scripted #event or #action).

If you set those coordinates into the scrolling region, the box will scroll away with the rest of the game text.

Format a List

We can also of course use #format to stylize the contents of our list. This alias takes your full affects list from msdp, and sets a color based on how many ticks remaining the spell is.

#alias get_affects {
        #list affects clear;
        #foreach {*msdp_info[AFFECTS][]} {affect}
                #if {$msdp_info[AFFECTS][$affect] < 50} {#var Color {<dbb>}};
                #if {$msdp_info[AFFECTS][$affect] > 49 && $msdp_info[AFFECTS][$affect] < 99} {#var Color {<ffd>}};
                #if {$msdp_info[AFFECTS][$affect] > 99} {#var Color {<ddd>}};
                #format {affect_line} {%c%+15.15s %c%-4s%c} {<bbb>}{$affect}{$Color}{$msdp_info[AFFECTS][$affect]}{<ddd>};
                #LIST {affects} {add} {$affect_line};
        #unvar Color;
        #unvar affect_line;

That will generate a var named $affects. Type "#VAR affects" to see what it looks like. Once you get that looking how you want, you can draw that list anywhere.

For example, here we can just print it into a box in the scrolling region:

#draw box 10 60 50 90 $affects[1..-1]

If you have short lists, those could probably fit in your top/bottom split. For long lists, you'll probably want to use #split to add a sidebar and draw it there. See my other sidebar script.


Now, let's say you want some of these tile or list draws auto-update as those vars update. Can use an #event for that, like:


However, instead of writing the re-draw code right into that event, I prefer to write those as aliases and have the event fire the alias. That way, other things/scripts can also re-draw those tiles, and you don't have to keep rewriting the code for each one, they can all just call the alias.

#ALIAS {draw_room_tile} {
      #FORMAT {room_string} {%c%.44s} {<ddd>}{$msdp_info[ROOM_NAME]};
      #DRAW tile 3 2 3 44 $room_string;
 #ALIAS {draw_area_tile} {
       #FORMAT {area_string} {%c%.40s} {<bbb>}{$msdp_info[AREA_NAME]};
       #DRAW tile 2 2 2 43 $area_string;

Then have an event to update each one:

 #EVENT {VARIABLE UPDATED msdp_info[ROOM_NAME]} {draw_room_tile}
 #EVENT {VARIABLE UPDATED msdp_info[AREA_NAME]} {draw_area_tile}

How you manage your vars, and how/when to draw/update them is up to you. I've experimented with a few approaches, and have found that handling each screen element as its own small tile, with its own draw alias, with its own event, runs quite efficiently so I'm only ever drawing tiny tiles, and not redrawing the whole screen and doing unnecessary computation to generate parts of the screen that haven't changed. You can still have a 'draw everything' type alias that may need to run sometimes, but that would just be a string of all the little tile draw aliases.


The concepts here are just the tip of the iceberg. You'll run into a lot of headscratchers along the way as far as how to properly set up your gui so it doesn't have conflicts, or draw things redundantly, and auto-updates, and doesn't fight with other sessions. Also, you'll have to put a bit of effort into how to actually integrate it into the rest of your system.

For me, I load my gui script after mud connection (as a module in my tt5 suite). I have some additional triggers firing in my connection script that then push gui re-draws upon things like session activation (changing characters), msdp reception updates, other variable updates, and code to limit when/where I draw to only work upon the active character session. This is kinda where things really get into the weeds, and you'll have to spend some time and thought on how best you want to handle all that sort of stuff. Session management is a bitch, you'll want to become familiar with the #events for session connection/activation/deactivated, as those are good times to draw your gui stuff, or wipe it out.

General advice:

  • The simpler you can make each gui element, the better. You should be able to get very specific about what you want to draw, or redraw, so that the rest of your scripting can easily update your screen without too much work.
  • As a beginner at this, I would suggest just trying to get one split region working and printing some info, for example, just set a bottom prompt and try to start putting your basic character info there, similar to your prompt, see if you can get that working. Before you draw out your entire screen in some elaborate fashion like I have, start small, one bar, and get that all working before you expand.