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**Go to the deity and use the command 'devote deity'.  
**Go to the deity and use the command 'devote deity'.  

To gain favor, simply visit them and walk in/out/in/out/in/out of their room until you're at "praised".  
To gain favor, simply visit them and walk in/out/in/out/in/out of their room until your favor is at "praised".  
*Your favor is listed in 'score'
*Type 'score' to view your favor

If you die, 'supplicate corpse' and get all your stuff, then go refavor.
If you die, 'supplicate corpse' and get all your stuff, then go refavor.

Revision as of 19:55, 23 April 2022

Dyrdex's No Shit's Given Power Quick Start Guide 9000

There's a lot of stuff to learn in this game. You need to read EVERYTHING in the game, go slow, check rodpedia, read help files, etc.


My advice is to give NO shits and just dive in and power through to at least like level 10, then you'll have an easier time fucking about and learning wtf is going on, maps, areas, how to level, skills/spells, all that jazz without dying so much. This page gives you the direct commands to dive in head first slappin your own ass.

Related Pages:

Step 1 - Character Creation

In short: Your first character isn't going to matter. You'll need manyyyy others to really play the game.


  • My advice is to start with a Paladin, or a Cleric
    • Paladin
      • Fairly simple skills/spells, and are strong, you'll beat up everything pretty easily and die less.
      • Will serve as your gear gatherer and storage char in your future army, so doesn't matter if you fuck up stats or anything.
    • Cleric
      • At level 14 Evil align Clerics get the spell 'Necromantic Touch' which is near game breaking as far as how fast/easy you level with it
      • Gear won't matter, you can get to AV wearing anything. You'll have sanctuary and other spells to use so won't need to rely on town spell bots as much.
      • Will serve as a spell bot in your future army, so doesn't matter if you fuck up stats or anything.


Doesn't matter for right now. Pick whatever.

If you do pick a fighter I like dwarf cuz they get a lot of HP. Cleric, eh, whatever you want. Gnome is popular.


Again for right now, your first char, jumping in, on a class that'll just be a utility storage/spellbot, don't sweat it. Have fun.

Step 2 - Get Equipment

From the very first room after you pull the cord to enter the real game: "The Dark Halls of the Guides":

  • Head east to the dead end. Wait a minute and you'll be teleported to a new room.
  • Go down
  • Explore in all 4 directions, kill all mobs, do 'wear all' after each to wear its equipment.
    • type 'strike' to do some additional hits to speed things up!
  • Back in the center room, go down, explore until you find the dragonsnake. Kill it. Wear All.
  • Open up;up;open east;east
    • You're now right back where you started in "The Dark Halls of the Guides" all geared up.

Step 3 - Get A Container & Items

  • Copy/Paste this to go buy food/drink/recalls/potions, a chest, and bring you right back:

Do you know where you're going? No! Because you give no shits and are powering into the game like a bosssss;

drop sac;u;e;buy dragonskin;buy 5 meat;w;n;w;w;w;s;s;w;w;w;n;buy 5 recall;e;buy 20 maroon;s;e;e;n;n;#6 n;#3 nw;w;n;#3 e;#3 n;w;vis;buy chest;empty 1.shop chest;empty 2.shop chest;empty 3.shop chest;put dragonskin chest;drop shop;drop shop;drop shop;get recall chest;recite recall;s
Type 'help map'
  • You are currently at Darkhaven Square. The dead center of the main town and basically the whole game.
    • Feel free to explore this space now if you'd like, you'll want to know it well.

  • To use your items, you can use real commands, or because you actually give no shits quite yet you can just set these aliases in your mud client:
ALIAS {heal} {q maroon chest}
ALIAS {recall} {get recall chest;recite recall;s}
ALIAS {eat} {eat meat chest}
ALIAS {drink} {get dragonskin chest;drink dragonskin;put dragonskin chest}

Step 4 - Level Up

There's a lot of lowbie areas you can explore later in your life if you want. Really you can skip them all cuz its faster to just go pound out the first few levels then bother dicking with that shit.

NOTE: All further directions are to be run from Darkhaven Square
  • Step 1: Get spelled up
    • There's 2 places you'll want to collect spells from pretty much every time you are about to set out to level
      • Darkhaven Academy: Just walk in and you get the spells. Dirs to go there and back to dh[] are:
        • #3 e;s;d;u;n;#3 w
      • Bots around DH (they aren't always online, but check if grab spells if they are)
        • nw;say all (wait for all spells, go back se to dh[])
  • Step 2: Go to Shattered Refuge
#9 s;w;#3 s;#3 w;nw;w;w;n  (you'll want to slow walk that path, kill any mobs that attack you en route)
  • Mobs are in the area east/west/north of you, its a very small area you can freely wander.
    • Kill the assistant scientists first. Maybe level up once. Then start on the scientists.
    • Collect all the 'a gnome concoction' from the scientists. These give you 'sanctuary' (halve damage)
      • get con cor;put con chest
  • Murder those sons of bitches until you're level 6. Recall to restock supplies/spells as necessary.

Full Area Map: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Shattered_Refuge

Important Fighting Notes

  • You'll want to set up your game prompt to display the mob health, your wait state, and xp needed to level:
    • See 'help prompt' and 'help tokens' and 'help pcolors' to customize, or just set this:
fprompt &Y%h/%Hhp &C%m/%Mmn &G%v/%Vmv &P%Xxp &c(%c) &w.:%L:.

This ENTIRREEEE game is based upon two mechanics: The attack/command wait-state, and drinking potions.

  • The wait-state is the bars in your fighting prompt. You can't do shit until those resolve back to nothing.
    • As melee combat rolls, interject your own hits (strike/kick/etc), wait for waitstate to clear. Heal if needed. Repeat.
  • Healing You get full. To clear fullness you need to drink from a magic spring. Can get a staff for that at lvl 5:
    • Spring Staffs: e;s;s;w;buy staff;put staff chest
      • ALIAS {spring} {get staff chest;hold staff;brand staff;rem staff;put staff chest}

If you get in trouble, flee and quit. This will cause mobs to leave you alone when you log back in.

Eat and drink when you get the messages about it. Don't overdo it or you can't quaff potions.


If you die under level 10 you keep all your shit, which is nice.

You'll spawn inside Notre Dame in Darkhaven. To get back to Darkhaven Square:

#5 s;#2 e;se


After level 10, if you die all your shit stays in the corpse. So, you want a deity.

This will allow you to 'supplicate corpse' if you die. (Your deity just brings you your corpse)

There are 2 deities that offer super easy favor that you want to use:

To gain favor, simply visit them and walk in/out/in/out/in/out of their room until your favor is at "praised".

  • Type 'score' to view your favor

If you die, 'supplicate corpse' and get all your stuff, then go refavor.

Important Leveling Notes

1. Monitor how many potions/recall you have (exa chest) and recall and buy more potions when you need.

  • Potion shop: #2 s;#2 w;n (On Market Street - "2" in 'help map' diagram)
    • The darker the color, the better the potion. Don't buy blues, those are mana.
    • You can buy 50 at a time, for example: buy 50 purple;empty shop chest;drop shop
  • Recall shop: Right next door to the west of the potion shop if you need more of those, same deal.

2. Always have the 'sanctuary' spell. It halves the damage you take.

  • Get it from bots in town, or 'q concoction chest' if you've grabbed some off scientists. (good to farm up a bunch)

3. As you level, you'll learn some new skills/spells. You learn those back inside the academy.

  • #3 e;s;d;n;e
    • Type 'prac' to view your list and do: practice 'skill name' to learn.
    • Type 'slist' to view your fullll list for all 50 levels (can do 'slist 2 10' for just those levels)

Step 5 - Grind Your Face Off

You should at this point have a solid pattern as follows:

  1. Stock up on potions, recalls, practice new skills, have an icicle staff (if over level 5).
  2. Get spells from the academy and bots in town.
  3. Head out to an area level
  4. Whack away with your attacks, heal, create and drink springs if you get full. Maintain Sanctuary!
  5. Recall and repeat.

There's a lot of areas to explore, but most aren't worth it. You can always rely on these areas as a basis:

  • Level 2-6: Shattered Refuge: assistant scientists and scientists
  • Level 6-20: Coral Depths: eels/lampreys at first. Then crab guards. Then Young Merman and Little Mermaids.
  • Level 15-28: Spectrum painting in Darkhaven Art Gallery
  • Level 28-50: Temple of the Moon, Darkhaven Art Gallery, (ask people at this point)

Step 6 - What next?

So at some point you'll be leveled up a bit and want to actually 'play the game' more properly.

  • If you're playing a Cleric, at level 14 you'll need to change your align to evil and start using mana potions to cast necromantic touch
    • Kill happy nice people in Shattered Refuge to turn evil
    • Buy blue potions at the potion shop
    • Necro your face off and marvel at your power

  • Get a better weapon!
    • Class weapon progression info coming soon.

I'd suggest trying to stock up well and heading into The Sentinel for some good gear.

I'm going to try to add a list of 'shit to do as a lowbie' here at some point, can send me ideas if you got em dyrdex @ gmail.com