Ranger EQ

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<used as light>      (Glowing) the blazing white orb of the Templar
<worn on finger>     the double banded metal ring of the warrior spirit
<worn on finger>     (Glowing) (Humming) Andvarinaut
<worn around neck>   (Glowing) an amulet of dragon teeth on a mithril chain
<worn around neck>   (Glowing) the Golden Dragon Tooth Amulet of the Daimyo
<worn on body>       fur lined, armored plate of the forest
<worn on body>       the Tunic of the Shattered Vale
<worn on body>       a padded woolen gambeson
<worn on body>       studded leather keshka hide
<worn on body>       (Glowing) the Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector
<worn on body>       a white Gryphon Keep tabard
<worn on body>       the runecape
<worn on head>       the fanged helm of the beast master
<worn on legs>       leggings of the Messenger
<worn on feet>       fur lined boots of the magnoth
<worn on hands>      the leather under-gloves of the Duer'ain Clan
<worn on hands>      the Steel Plated Gloves of the Duer'ain Clan
<worn on arms>       sleeves of the outdoors explorer
<worn about body>    the essence of kundalini
<worn about body>    the Torn Robes of the Ghostbinder
<worn about waist>   (Glowing) the Ice Girth
<worn around wrist>  a dense wooden bracer wrapped in leather
<worn around wrist>  Wristguard of Nobility
<wielded>            (Two-Handed) a pair of razor-sharp metal claws named 'Crucifiers'
<worn on ears>       quiet murmurs of the woods
<worn on eyes>       shades of light
<worn on back>       a thick piece of lizard hide
<worn over face>     the Face Shield of Valour
<worn around ankle>  a tangle of thorns
<worn around ankle>  the stone band of the golem