General Overview
tar zxvf tintin.dyrdex.tar.gz
I stupidly wrote all paths relative to executing everything from within the /tintin directory. So, first off: cd /tintin
Main Connection Command:
./src/tt++ newtin/main.tin (Probably want to setup a shell alias to do this for you). I have this in my .bashrc: alias runtin='~USERNAME/tintin/tt++ ~USERNAME/tintin/newtin/main.tin'
main.tin script explained:
1 Alias, 1 Event, 3 Actions
#ALIAS {go %0} {#ses %0 4000;%0;PASSWORD;&& \x0D && #split}; Usage: go CHARACTER This opens the session realms. Assigns the session name as your character name. It also enters the character name to the realms login screen, followed by your password. It then hits enter twice to pass the welcome screens. It then tries to split the screen, however, this part doesn't really work and can be removed probably.
#EVENT {SESSION CONNECTED} {#VARIABLE {char_connected} {%0}}; This event creates a variable named $char_connected based on whatever value you entered in the login alias (i.e. your character name)
#ACTION {Welcome to Realms of Despair} {..... This action fires upon the Welcome message. Using the char_connected variable established upon #EVENT above, it then reads the char's config. #CLASS ${char_connected}_up {read} {newtin/characters/${char_connected}_up_stuff.tin} This reads the characters unique configuration and loads those actions/aliases under the class name CHARNAME_connected_up. Next, standalone 'modules' are loaded: #CLASS {nowrite} {read} {newtin/mod_config.tin}; These are loaded under the class 'nowrite'. There is nothing setup to write aliases/actions in this class to a file upon quitting, so thus, they remain in their original files and don't get written under your character or class config. There are many modules being loaded by this, read newtin/mod_config.tin to see, then read each of the modules themselves to see what they do. Finally, it runs the 'score' command in game, which is used to set other variables. Then just 'looks' so you know where you are upon login.
#ACTION {Class: %0 %1} { This is triggered by the Class line in the 'score' command send above. This sets the $char_class to your class. This then reads in the class config by regex'ing your class against the values in this config: #CLASS {nowrite} {read} {newtin/scripts/class_genre_conf.tin} Based on which line the regex of your Class matchs in that file, it reads the corresponding class config from: /newtin/classes/CLASSNAME.tin
Finally there is an action based on my membership in Dragonslayer, which set's up some stuff based on the heal/recall names used by DS, allows me to restock from their potion storages containers, and navigate around their hq to do things like restock recalls.
You could remove this, or revamp it for other organizations.