TT5 documentation
This is my 5th generation of tintin suite for realms, so it's named tt5.
- Download the whole tt5 folder
wget -r -nH -np -R "index.html*"
- Run your tt++ with the path to my init script:
tt++ tt5/scripts/init.tin
That should be it. If you wanna re-name/move "tt5" you'll need to update the $home var at the top of this file:
- All the scripts are commented so refer to scripts directly for more information.
- All commands should display their syntax if typed with no argument.
- Type 'go character' and enter your password. That info will be saved for future logins.
- Once logged in, use 'nickname FOO' so you can log in via nickname later (go foo)
- The system also supports login by nickname, creating login groups, aliases for dc/rc, and offline character status, class search, and buffer display.
Character Management
Full commands list: (Typing a command with no argument should display its syntax information.)
go Display Full Character List; go CHARACTER Log in (foreground); go NICKNAME Log in (foreground) go GROUP Log entire group in. bg CHARACTER Log in (background) (also works with nicknames); nickname FOO Set -current- char's nickname to FOO (must be logged in); dc Disconnect; relog Disconnect & Reconnect; delchar CHARACTER; Remove all configs for char;
Group Management
addgroup GROUPNAME Guy1 Guy2 Guy3 Guy4 (up to 8 supported); remgroup GROUPNAME Guy1; Removes Guy1 from GROUPNAME; delgroop GROUPNAME Deletes entire group;
Offline Information
show <character-full-name> show <mag|cle|thi|war|vam|dru|ran|aug|pal|nep|fat|bar|dre|har|kni|hun|inf|buc> tail (will display last 200 buffer lines)
Character Configuration
This system requires some explanation. Please read closely.
The Flags System: A highly customizable script configuration and sorting system.
- Each character can be 'flagged' to read multiple config files, on the fly at any time.
- Example: Load a personal file, a class file, a guild file, and a run file. Switch on the fly.
- Each flags file can be sorted into a corresponding directory for those flag names inside the /tt5/ directory:
- Example: /tt5/characters/, /tt5/runs/, /tt5/class/, etc.
1. Upon FIRST login, your character will 'auto-configure' your name, class, and organization flags from 'score' output.
2. These are for scripts you only want implement on a per character basis or toggle on/off or change.
- If you want ALL chars to have a permanent script loaded, you probably want to load a global MODULE instead. (see Modules)
flag Display All Current Flags; flag NAME FILE Set a new flag of "NAME" to read "FILENAME" from associated directory; unflag NAME Remove the NAME flag;
- The flag NAME itself determines which directory it looks for the FILENAME within
- There are 6 special flag NAMES which map to specific data directories:
Flag Name: character will read files from /tt5/characters/ (*Auto-added to all characters) Flag Name: class will read files from tt5/class/ (*Auto-added to all characters) Flag Name: group will read files from tt5/group/ (*Auto-added to all login group members) Flag Name: bot will read files from tt5/bots/ Flag Name: org will read files from tt5/orgs/ Flag Name: run will read files from tt5/runs/
Example: flag run seth (would read tt5/run/seth.tin at login)
Example: flag bot spell (would read tt5/bots/spell.tin at login)
- There is 1 'catch-all' directory for all other flag names:
Flag Name: ANYTHING will read files from tt5/misc/
Example: flag sect horsemen (would read tt5/misc/horsemen.tin)
- To remove a flag, specify the flag NAME to remove:
Example: unflag run
Example Configurations:
Dyrdex has 3 flags currently configured, for his character, class, org, and misc:
Loaded File Flags: Flag Name: character Value: dyrdex From tt5/characters/dyrdex.tin Flag Name: class Value: Thief From tt5/classes/Thief.tin Flag Name: org Value: Ascendere From tt5/orgs/Ascendere.tin
Lyrdex has an entirely different flag configuration:
Flag Name: character Value: Lyrdex From tt4/characters/lyrdex.tin
Flag Name: class Value: Mage From tt4/classes/Mage.tin Flag Name: sect Value: Forestmen From tt4/misc/Forestmen.tin Flag Name: group Value: lspellers From tt4/groups/lspellers.tin Flag Name: bot Value: spell From tt4/bots/spell.tin Flag Name: run Value: edo From tt4/bots/edo.tin
So, he still gets the standard character/class flags, but is also set up as a spellbot, and part of a group (with a cleric) that I can write a group script for, he's in a sect and gets a file for that, and he is currently out in Edo assisting with a run and has a specific file for that. All of these can be toggled off, or changed to other values, only the fly live while playing.
Example Usage:
- If you want to flag your character with a seth run script:
1. Place your script into tt5/runs/ 2. flag run seth (will read tt4/runs/seth.tin at login)
- To flag yourself with a spellbot type script:
1. Place your script into tt5/bot/ 2. flag bot spellbot
- If you want to assign yourself a flag named 'butthead' thats reads in a file named 'fart.tin':
1. Place your script into tt5/misc/ 2. flag butthead fart (will read tt5/misc/fart.tin at login)
- If you want to remove your 'run' and 'group' flags:
1. unflag run 2. unflag group
The goal of this system was to both easily sort out common groups (character/class/org/group/run/bot) into folders, while also providing full customization for each character. You can have lots, or just a few flags, its up to you.
Again note that for more permanent and shared configs, you may want to load a module instead. See below.