Neph Spells

Revision as of 13:21, 23 November 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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** = Pentagram Required


Lvl     Spell             Affect
 2.     execrate          Curse (-HR, susPoison)
 4.     venomous touch    poison
16.     plague            blind, drain, damage? **
25.     sleep
26.     chains of agony   stun or dex down?
28.     kleshas           suscept STUFF **
29.     fatigue           susecpt sleep
30.     blasphemy         curse, LCK -#, damage
31.     enervate
33.     feebleness        suscept Drain
40.     aggravate wounds  sustained damage after 50% mob health remaining
44.     mental anguish    +Sv Poison/Paraysys, -mst?
46.     zidros wrath      suscept Fire/Acid **
47.     petrification     suscept Paralysis  (+Sv Para?)

Physical Attack

Lvl     Attack
 2.     Strike
20.     Spinkick
41.     Acid Blast

Magical Attack=

 6.     Disruption
14.     Nihil
30.     Umbral Spear
36.     Hand of Chaos
48.     Sands of Hades    Room blind. Requires Sand.
49.     Deathsphere       Room attack. 20 kill cooldown.
49.     Qlippothic Shift  


Lvl     Spell               Affect
 4.     Infravision   
 6.     Mind Fortress       Int +1, Sv Spell -6
 9.     Mystic Awareness    Scry
12.     Demonic Aura        Resist Fire/Poison 10%
12.     Flesh Armor         AC -50
13.     Might of the Fiend  Str +2, Dex -1
14.     Demonskin           Resist Slash 10%
21.     Quickening          Dex +2, Dodge +12
29.     Pass Door
32.     Fireshield
42.     Hellskin            Resist Magic/Fire
48.     Shadowform          Resist NonMagic


Lvl     Spell     
 1.     Create Fire
 4.     Detect Poison
 5.     Word of Recall
 6.     Fade                No-locate/teleport/farsight
 8.     Lingering Decay     Slow corpse rot
 8.     Wine Invocation     Convert water into wine
 9.     Charnis Disengulf   Extinguish fire
10.     Embalm              Preserve body part
11.     Gremlin             Summon Gremlin Pet
12.     Remove Hex          
14.     Detect Hidden 
14.     Rid Toxins          Cure Poison
16.     Pentagram           Create spell key object
17.     Veiled Steps        Hide+Sneak
19.     Skinmask            Craft facewear
20.     Reveal              Detect Invis
23.     Animate Dead        Revive and Charm corpse
23.     Identify
24.     Dehydrate           Empty Stomach
26.     Nightmare           Send message to sleeping player
27.     Levitate            Float
30.     Locate Object
31.     Shadow Walk         Astral
33.     Infernal Node       Teleport
35.     Dispel Magic
35.     Mark of Pactolus    No-Midas
38.     Know Alignment
39.     Denigrate           Remove Glow
40.     Scan
43.     Desecrate           Create poison food/water
45.     Infuscate           Enchant Weapon (neph only)
49.     Nefarious Pact      Evil Group members change align more slowly

Body Part Spells

Lvl     Spell               Affect
18.     Harvest             Hack specific body part from corpse
18.     Seduction           Charm.         Requires Heart.
19.     Occular Explosium   Sus Blind.     Requires Eyeball.
49.     Possess             Become Mob.    Requires Heart.
49.     Pestilence          Summon Locust. Requires Pixie Wing. **


Lvl     Skill
 2.     Climb
11.     Anaesth     Similar to Dodge/Parry/Tumble
34.     Dodge


Lvl     Skill
 1.     Cook
 2.     Dig
 4.     Mount
 8.     Search
15.     Trance

Kinda Unsure

psionic blast: mana drain, non-combat only. 

famish: heal?