Weapon Types

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Revision as of 16:23, 13 October 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You can 'exam <weapon>' and after the flavor text it will tell you what type of damage it does. For example: This seems to be a clawing weapon. Those are tied to weapon type's as follows: {| class="wikitable" !Attack |- |'''Bludgeons''' || Crushing or Pounding |- |'''Long Blades''' || Slashing or Slicing |- |'''Short Blades''' || Piercing of Stabbing |- |'''Talonous Arms''' || Clawing |- |'''Flexible Arms''' || Whipping or Flailing |- |'''Pugilism''' || Blasting, Hi...")
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You can 'exam <weapon>' and after the flavor text it will tell you what type of damage it does. For example:

This seems to be a clawing weapon.

Those are tied to weapon type's as follows:

Bludgeons Crushing or Pounding
Long Blades Slashing or Slicing
Short Blades Piercing of Stabbing
Talonous Arms Clawing
Flexible Arms Whipping or Flailing
Pugilism Blasting, Hitting, Suction, Biting
Polearms Hacking, Thrusting, Raking