Warrior EQ

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Current Gear

<used as light>      rays of the sun
<worn on finger>     the ring of the ancient gods
<worn on finger>     (Glowing) (Humming) Andvarinaut
<worn around neck>   (Glowing) (Humming) scales of alpha & omega
<worn around neck>   (Glowing) (Humming) scales of alpha & omega
<worn on body>       a padded woolen gambeson
<worn on body>       studded leather keshka hide
<worn on body>       a white Gryphon Keep tabard
<worn on body>       the runecape
<worn on body>       a black dragonscale hauberk
<worn on body>       (Glowing) the Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector
<worn on body>       the Tunic of the Shattered Vale
<worn on head>       the Bone Helm of Ryuukoroshi
<worn on legs>       steel plated dragonhide leggings
<worn on feet>       moccasins
<worn on hands>      Claws of the Wyrm
<worn on arms>       (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of dragonscale arm-guards
<worn about body>    (Humming) the cloak of Death
<worn about body>    the essence of kundalini
<worn about waist>   (Glowing) the Ice Girth
<worn around wrist>  an obsidian bracer
<worn around wrist>  an obsidian bracer
<wielded>            (Two-Handed) (Glowing) Nasr, Claymore of Sovereignty
<worn on ears>       (Red Aura) Brimstone pentagram
<worn on eyes>       shades of light
<worn on back>       a thick piece of lizard hide
<worn over face>     the Face Shield of Valour
<worn around ankle>  a blue, glassy chain
<worn around ankle>  an ankle bracer of mobility

Stat Specs

(No Spells On)

With Nasr

AC: -681, HP: 1713, DR: 101, HR: 45
Imbued with: detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared hide flying
Resistances: energy[10%]

With Weap/Shield/Hold Item

(Maul of Stone - ivory colored tower shield of the Lily - the Ruling Sceptre)

AC: -776, HP: 1793, DR: 104, HR: 61
Imbued with: detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared hide flying
Resistances: energy[10%]
(This is my typical shield setup)

With different shield

(Maul, Shield of the Ravager, Ruling Sceptre)

AC: -781, HP: 1773, DR: 104, HR: 68
Imbued with: detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared hide flying
Resistances: cold[10%] electricity[10%] energy[10%] acid[10%]
(This setup used for elemental resistances)


Anything that already matches what Dymrex is wearing has been redacted: 


<used as light>      the sigil of Tempus
<worn on finger>     a ring of the king's navy     -> andvarinaut  (Brunhilde - Soloable, super easy with help)
<worn on finger>     a ring of the king's navy     -> danny ring   (Danbala - Buy)
<worn around neck>   a blue-silver iron gorget     -> a golden torque -> dev scales (can solo for torque, will want help for scales, don't buy)
<worn around neck>   a blue-silver iron gorget     -> a golden torque -> dev scales
<worn on body>       (Glowing) the Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector  (final layerplate piece - Buy)
<worn on head>       the Helm of Heaven's Blessing -> bone helm
<worn on legs>       leggings of the Messenger     -> Steel plated dragonhide leggings (Solace's Plight quest - getable)
<worn on feet>       a pair of duck boots          -> moccassins (Artemis - getable)
<worn on hands>      Blessed gauntlets of the Templar -> Dragonspawn gauntlets (Solace's Plight quest - getable)
<worn about body>    the essence of kundalini       -> can layer with a Cloak of Death underneath too. (Probably one in donation - getable)
<worn on ears>       a crystalline teardrop         -> sliver of glass -> brimstone pentagram maybe (Depends on your race)
<worn on eyes>       a monocle made from an eagle eye -> bloody eyepatch -> shades of light (Getable - need me you and goku)


Warriors should dress for max AC and HP, then Con, saving throws, and resistances.

You just wanna block up as much damage as possible, don't worry about hr/dr really, tanks tank, hitters hit. 

What you have compared to what you should get:


navy ring: ac9,  hp_,  dr3, hr2, mn30
dany ring: ac12, hp50, dr4, hr3, mn45, dex2
andvarint: ac16, hp75, dr2, hr_, mn__, str1, lck1, hp regen 10.

The thinking here is that while 2 danny rings is more dr, the ac/hp/str/lck on Andvar. are better for a tank. 
You can only wear one of these, so 1 Andvar, 1 Danny is a good setup. 


gorget: ac10, hp30, dr2, hr_, con1, str1, affect AC -5
torque: ac12, hp__, dr4, hr2, con1, wis1, mn40. 
scales: ac40, hp50, dr2, hr_, mn75. 

A Golden Torque: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Cernunnos  (soloable)
Scales of alpha and omega: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Justice  (goku and I can help you get these easily)
 (the scales pop with a random align, some evil, some neut, some devout. Devout is the rarest so have to kill Justice a bunch to get em)


crown: ac6,  hp60, dr5, hr1, wis3, mn60  (your helm of heavens blessing is a renamed "Crown of the Ages"
bone:  ac30, hp75, dr5, hr_, wis1, str2, mn75, saveBreath -3, saveSpell -1. 

The bone helm is made from 2 items that I know there are many of in guild donations. Costs 40m to make; 


messenger: ac15, hp50, dr3, hr1, con2, mvs150
steel plt: ac14, hp40, dr3, hr_, dex1, scan 15, parry 1, save vs. breath -2. 

The messenger have 10hp and 2con more, but the steel have rare things, bonus to scan and parry is RARE, beath save always great. Very 'tankish' eq.
Get the steel from doing this quest: 
It's a solo quest, but you may want to buff up a few pieces before you try it. Though its not a big deal to try and die too, took me bout 3 deaths. 


duck boot: ac11, hp30, dr3, hr2, con1, mn20, mana Regen 5, affected by Hide
moccasins: ac15, hp__, dr4, hr4, dex3, mn50, save vs paralysis -2, affected by Hide. 

Could go either way here, the mana on the ducks is useless for warriors, the extra dr/hr/dex/saves on the moccasins to me outweighs the 30hp and 1con. 


Templar:     ac10, hp_, dr6, hr_, str1, dex -1,
Dragonspawn: ac13, hp_, dr6, hr3, str1, dex -1, grip 1

The dragonspawn are the same but better!
Also from Solace's Plight quest. 


crystaline teardrop: ac12, hp20, dr2, hr_, dex1, wis1, mn25
sliver of glass  :   ac12. hp30, dr3, mn30. 
brimstone pent:      ac18, hp35, dr6. resist:energy 10%  (Half-Orc ONLY)

Sliver of Glass is super easy to get, but you may not get it, it comes down to luck: 

Brimston Pentagrams are cheap and probably in guild donations, but Half-Orc, and I dunno what race you are. 


monocule:        ac9,  hp_,  dr_, hr_, con1, wis1, scan 5   (level 20 eq! gotta update!)
bloody eyepatch: ac12, hp15, dr2, hr2                       (this is a holdover piece until we can get you shades of light)
shades of light: ac24, hp10, dr2, hr_, con1, Detect Invis, Detect Hidden.

TO DO list

Super Easy

Sliver of Glass: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/A_sliver_of_glass

A bloody eyepatch: a crewman on the Valkyrie in Ocean Keep

      -heads up for stuff in the ocean maze, a bit slow going, be prepped, follow map closely: 

the cloak of Death: Probably in guild donations!

      -layers under Essence of Kundalini - you might already have one, I dunno, can't see it. 


Brunhilde: Andvarinaut

      -super easy. (trick is to be female - use sex change 'scroll of changes' bought in Ancient city of Aurora)

Justice: scales of alpha and omega

     -Goku and I can take you here anytime, its easy. 
     -Optional: Go Run Cern to get golden torques as a holdover piece: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Cernunnos

Bone Helm of Ryu: Manufactures from pieces in guild donation, and 40m. Can do that anytime!

     -Take to Master Uyeda in Edo: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Village_of_Edo

Artemis: Moccasins

     -May be some in guild donations
     -Easy run too - you poison her, wait like 45 minutes, and she's a pushover

Solace's Plight Quest:

     -First, initiate the Dragonlord Battle Armor quest here: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/The_Dragonlord%27s_Battle_Armor
             -You can probably find the 4 objects required for that, if not, let me know. 
     -Second, initiate Solace's Plight question: https://rodpedia.realmsofdespair.info/wiki/Solace%27s_Plight
             -Along the way you'll have to kill 2 things:
                   -Wasn't very hard, just get all spells and bring a ton of heals.
                   -Took me 3 deaths. I would fight him for awhile, die, supplicate corpse, re-favor quickly, run back, repeat three time ha. 
                   -I think you are devoted to Tempus, which is going to delay your re-favor time. Might make it tricky, so get other pieces before this.


Danny ring - around 70m (a ring of the ancient gods) Lily Tabard - not sure what they cost, but I need one for myself too. (Lily Covered Tabard of the Knight Protector) (aka Beholder tabard)