Race Info

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Race Class Restrictions

Not all races can be all class's. Here's a chart of which races can be each class:

Possible race/class combinations:
Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Elf Gith Gnome Half-Elf Half-Ogre Half-Orc Half-Troll Halfling Human Lizardman Pixie Sea-elf Tiefling
Cleric X X X X X X X ? X X
Druid X X X X X ? X X X
Mage X X X X X X X ? X X X
Thief X X X X X X X X X X X ? X X X
Warrior X X X X X X X X X X X ? X X

Race XP Modifiers

Each race earns experience at a slightly different rate. Humans are the standard at a 1:1 whereas other races may earn slightly less or more experience per hit. The equation would be <experience> x <XP Rate> = XP.

Race XP Rate
Dragonborn .90
Half-Troll .90
Lizardman .91
Half-Ogre .92
Half-Orc .94
Tiefling .95
Dwarf .97
Human 1.00 (no gain, no bonus)
Halfling 1.02
Half-Elf 1.04
Gith 1.06
Pixie 1.08
Drow 1.08
Elf 1.10
Sea-Elf 1.12
Gnome 1.20