Main Page
Lowbie Eq Common Av EQ
Character Stuff
Warrior EQ Cleric EQ
Random Stuff
File:Aules Equipment.txt File:Database.exe
TinTin++ Stuff
09/01/2017: Added Custom Prompt, EQ Damage Tracking, Repair, Disarm triggering, additional documentation on auto fight/heal scripting. 09/05/2017: Added manual eq entry aliases 'eqset' & 'itemac', 'finddirs %0' alias to search for dir keywords, Removed spell recasting during fighting, was problematic.
To Do List:
Setup a lowbie config. Their eq ac values are so much lower that the stock removal of gear at ac5 causes too many removals. Should also include various hit messages for shitty lowbie attacks so the autofight script works. Should also include other lowbie potion stock/use messages for auto-heal script to work. Setup damage traffic for when blind and message is 'something gets damaged', have it adjust ALL gear ac by 1 for safety. Setup more direction aliases to leveling mobs, phunbaba, welmar, spectrum, kialel, famine/pestilence, all come to mind. Ask around to see what AC on weapons/lights should be presumed to be. They have no ac, but do get hit, and they WILL scrap.
Old Overview: shouldn't really need this at this point, but I'll keep it around: General Overview