Death & Deities
- Upon death, you will awake in the Temple of Notre Dame. See 'help map'.
- To walk back to Darkhaven Square: #5 s; e; e; se
- The Halls of Knowledge (where you may have been initially exploring upon first entering the game) is then: #3 e, s; d
- If you die while under level 10, you keep all your gear and can just get right back to doing whatever you were doing.
- If you die after level 10, your corpse with all your gear remains where you died. You have 2 options:
- Return to your corpse and get all your stuff out of it
- Utilize your deity to 'supplicate corpse' and they will bring your corpse to you so you can get your stuff.
So, it is HIGHLY advised that you devote to a deity as soon as possible (level 5 I think) so you can die a ton and its easy to recover your stuff.
The deity system allows you to use your deity to bring you a few things, via the 'supplicate' command:
See: help supplicate
Syntax: supplicate <THING> corpse retrieves your corpse from supplicatable room(s) avatar summons an avatar of your deity object summons a sigil of your deity recall sends you to your recall point (bypasses norecall flags) restore completely restores hitpoints, mana, and movement
Some notes on those:
- Corpse: The most useful thing to supplicate. If you've died multiple times, ALL of your corpses will get brought to you.
- Object: Sigil's have 20AC, Affect AC -20, and have a +1 to a stat.
- Restore: If you're abouttttt to die.... try 'supplicate restore' to save your own ass
- Recall: If you're out of recalls, or also about to die... try 'supplicate recall' for a quick trip home
- Avatar: The avatar is like a pet NPC that will fight with you, but they suck. The more useful thing to do with them is use them to mark a room in a maze.
You devote to a deity by walking to their room and using the command 'devote <deity>'. Upon devoting:
- You will have 'favor' with your deity. Displayed in 'score'. See 'help favor_levels' to view all of the favor levels.
- You must have 'praised' favor or higher in order to 'supplicate corpse'.
Gaining favor with a deity varies by deity, however there are 2 that are basically easy-mode. You should use these at first (and kinda always honestly)
For Good align: [A'enari] (Really all classes can be Good) For Evil align: [Vl'aresch] (Vamps, Nephs, Thieves typically are Evil as a newb.)
For these two, all you need to do is visit them to gain favor. Each time you walk into their room you gain favor. You can simply walk in/out/in/out of their room a bunch to reach "Praised" favor level and then will be able to supplicate your corpse.
- Go devote to one of those (just follow the linked directions above to their room, and do 'devote <name>'.
- Walk in/out of their room a bunch until you're at 'praised' favor level.
Then you can go and explore and die whenever, when you do, just use 'supplicate corpse' and get all your shit back. Then go re-favor again back to praised.
When you're ready for more overwhelming information, see